深国交政治社Politics Club,开始招新啦!
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图:中间男老师为社会学老师 Richard Driscoll
(Tap and check Intro)
SCIE Politics Club is led by the head of humanity department, the sociology teacher Richard Driscoll, aiming to provide a platform for members to get deeper understanding of Politics in general. Concentrating on a specific global political issue, the club systematically design classes to help grasp political study techniques. This semester we will focus on the 2020 US election, and the lecture will cover diverse topics, including US Political Parties, the electoral system, the presidency and the congress. Analyzing the current 2020 US electoral progress is also part of our focus.
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club lecture outline
Week | Topic | Date |
1 | Introduction: political terms and US politics | 9.15 |
2-3 | Political Parties: two-party system and polarization | 9.22-29 |
4-6 | Election: electoral system & 2020 election | 10.13-27 |
7-9 | Presidency | 11.3-17 |
10-11 | Congress | 11.24-12.1 |
p.s.This is the syllabus before Christmas. Topic of sessions after Christmas before Chinese New Year will be decided by the club members together. Details of syllabus may be altered slightly according to members’ interest and requirement. We’ll use the AL textbook of “Bennett, US government and Politics” as reading material, and AL textbook of “Lynch et al, UK Government and Politics” as optional reading. The lecture will be in English.
club events
ONE. 国交模拟美国大选
SCIE mock US election
We’ll arrange SCIE mock 2020 US election, in which two candidates representing Trump and Biden propagate throughout the school, and every form groups as one or two US states will vote for the two candidates. That would certainly be an amazing event!
TWO. 学术资料与新闻共读
News & resources Capture
The club will also provide academic resources recommended for social science studying. Furthermore, we are planning to co-read and discuss some magazines together, nurturing the habit of reading global news.
Club experience
Politics club是我在国交收获最大的社团之一。在这里我对英国政治有了系统性的了解,对我的申请有很大帮助。政治与其他社会科学息息相关,了解政治能够很好的辅助其他相关学科的学习。每年politics club都会举办和当下国际政治相关的活动,不论是参与活动本身还是帮忙组织都能学到很多。我们之前举办过模拟英国议会首相质询环节的house events,过程十分精彩,学校官网上也有这次活动的记录。Richard老师本人十分热爱政治,对英国政治时事的了解非常全面,对希望日后申请政治和social science相关的同学会有很大帮助。对政治感兴趣同学千万不要错过这个宝藏社团~
Politics club is one of the most rewarding clubs I've had in SCIE. Through participating in politics club I have gained a systematic understanding of British politics, which is very useful to my university application. Politics is closely related to other social sciences, and understanding politics is a good complement to studying other related subjects. Every year the politics club hosts an event related to current international politics, which is a great experience both in terms of participating in the event itself, and helping with the organization. We have previously held a mock Prime Minister's Question house event, which was well-attended and is recorded on the school website. Mr. Richard Driscoll is an expert in politics and has great passion for UK politics and current affairs. He is also very supportive and can offer help to students who wish to apply politics and social science related courses. Don't miss this if you are interested in Politics!
--Tina, class of 2020, currently studying the major of Law in oxford University
你还有什么理由不来?Join Us!
Q1:社活是什么时候呢?When is the club activity?
A:正式社活时间是周二下午4:40-5:40。Tuesday 4:40-5:40pm
A:欢迎来周一的ECA fair找我们!届时会有RD现场答疑~同时,请戳戳👇进入群聊!Find us in ECA fair and Richard will be there to answer questions! Also you can scan the QR code and join the WeChat group to receive further information!
如若微信群聊过期,请加这个微信,并备注“SCIE politics club + 年级 + 英文名”。
If the QR code of WeChat group is outdated, please add this WeChat, postscript "SCIE politics club + grade + English name".
Special Thanks to:Tina & Ekat &Sarah
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