Sports Division/ 体育部招新啦!!!
体育部工作包括且不限于:组织体育活动(各种篮球排球足球羽毛球等等/田径比赛/运动会)、安排& 规划体育设施使用、协助House division举办house赛、担任各种体育竞赛裁判/ 赛程记录等。ps. 我们近期在准备和筹划校内篮球3v3比赛,有兴趣投入活动策划的同学欢迎踊跃报名体育部,也请scie的篮球爱好者们敬请期待。
如对加入Sports Divison感兴趣,请发送邮件到邮箱:s19704.ho@stu.scie.com.cn。(上图学号打错了,正确学号为19704)格式为:学号+班级+姓名,报名截止日期为周一 (11月9日) 下午9:00pm。
在发送报名邮箱后,我们会在 11月10日 到 11月12日之间安排面试,详情安排和面试时间会在报名截止后公布。欢迎大家来体育部!
Join Sports Division for all sorts of sports opportunities!!!
The Sports Devision is here for you! Join us!
If you are interested in various sports activities organised by the school and want to help organise sports competitions in and outside of SCIE, then the Sports Department would be your best choice!
The work of the Sports Devision includes but is not limited to: planning& organising sports activities (basketball/ valleyball/ football/ badminton/track and field competitions/SCIE Sports Day), arranging the use of sport facilities, assisting the House Division in holding house competitions, serving as referees in various sports competitions/ recording match results& records etc.
If you are interested in joining Sports Divison, please send an email to: s19704.ho@stu.scie.com.cn. In the following format: student ID + form class + name. The deadline for registration is Monday (Nov. 9) at 9:00pm.
After sending the registration email, we will arrange an interview between November 10th and November 12th. The detailed arrangement including interview time will be announced after the registration deadline. Good luck and thank you for choosing the Sports Department!
本篇文章来源于微信公众号: SCIE Prefect
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